Our Philosophy

Our love for natural soap-making stems from our efforts to live a healthy life reducing toxic chemicals as much as possible. We believe in holistic living to include what we put on our skin. Regular beauty bars at the grocery store are not real soap at all, but rather a chemical composition of fragrances and detergents. Real soap is made by mixing oils and butters with an alkali, such as lye which causes a chemical reaction that creates soap through saponification. No lye is present after the oils/butters saponify.

All of our soaps are made with 100% natural plant-based butter and oil, except for tallow. Our tallow comes from grass-fed beef suet. We take the time to put in some extra TLC, rendering our suet down over several days and then triple rending and purifying out all the impurities. Tallow is a very skin-loving ingredient. It is high in vitamins A, D, E, and K. It is also very high in oleic acid (around 47%) which is said to be amazing for dry aging skin and won’t clog pores. Our soaps will always be free from dyes, artificial colorants, fragrance oils, and detergents. The Trinity Tallow family strives to treat our bodies like the temple that Christ meant for them to be.

“For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.” 1 Corinthians 6:20 

Disclaimer: Statements stated have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products offered by Trinity Tallow Soap Co. are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease or substitute care by a medical practitioner. If you have, or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your physician or health care provider. All recommendations are believed to be true, but no guarantees as to the effects of their use can be given nor liability taken. Trinity Tallow Soap Co. is not responsible for any misuse or reactions to our products. All Trinity Tallow Soap Co. products are handmade in a private lab in Spring Lake, North Carolina, and have not been evaluated by the FDA.


Who Are We?

Yeshua, Faith, and Family.

My name is Ashley Doscher. I am a mom of two amazing little boys and an Army wife (married to my best friend Chris, aka Mr. Trinity Tallow) for eleven years. I spend my days homeschooling my children, studying Organic Skincare Formulation, dedicating my extra time to The Word of God, staying in fellowship with The Holy Spirit, and lately, making a lot of soapy goodness!

I discovered my love for tallow sometime ago while rendering homemade bone broth. I had so much leftover grass-fed tallow with no idea what to do with it. I was also experiencing some severe hand eczema at the time. The Lord gave me the vision to use it on my skin. And so my journey with tallow began. All of my soaps are formulated with tallow as the base fat. The name Trinity honors my renewed faith and walk with Christ. This company is dedicated to The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Without Him, we would be lost.